Tremendous thanks to the very many people who have supported this work!
The website was built by Harper Orr as a Stanford Design Summer intern. The graphic images are by Abby VanMuijen at RogueMark Studios. Video was shot by Frazer Bradshaw and edited by Kai Barry. I was able to experiment and build the toolkit as an inaugural fellow with the Mira Fellowship. The Design for Belonging book comes out of collaboration with the Stanford
Thanks as well to the many project and speaking engagement partners who supported me to host workshops and try out tools and activities. Thanks way back to Jamie Allison and the K12lab team, Kate Rancourt and Trevor Croghan at One WorkPlace, Kate Canales at the UT Design Department, Laura Cole at the Monarch Experience, Lauren Hancock and Amanda Otte at the SJ Learns Community of Practice, Liz Gerber and DeYandré Thaxton at the Segal Institute of Design, Heather Dermott at Idaho Business for the Outdoors, Adam Weiler at Steelcase Social Innovation, Tom Maiorana at UC Davis, Morgan Vien and Penny Carver at the Carnegie Summit, and Jen Goldstein and the students in Design for Belonging: Autism Care.
Much of the inspiration for this work comes from prior work with the people and ideas in Liberatory Design and School Retool, as well as other folks listed in the Resources.